Tuesday, September 23, 2008


First I need to thank Rebecca for her patience! Not so much during her session (which went amazingly well...and was lots of fun)....it was the "after" where she was the trooper. Before Rebecca's session I was ahead of schedule...actually WAY ahead. That was just too good to be true I suppose because the Sunday following our session the winds blew in, and the power went out. The outage challenged us all in more ways than one. I definitely was shut down here at the office, and my mothering skills required a whole new level of creativity. The good news is we are back on track and I had the most amazing session to edit once the lights were back on.

I had such a hard time narrowing down the choices for Rebecca. She is stunning! She took one gorgeous picture after another. We had a really good time on our Downtown Mason Trek...enjoying so much of what our own little town has to offer! Downtown Mason is my new favorite location hands down!

So thanks Rebecca...for an amazing session and for your patience. I hope you like your pictures as much as I do!!!!

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