Sunday, August 31, 2008

The seniors are coming.............

and coming and coming. Ha!! Since school started back it's SENIOR MANIA! I mean that, it's nuts! I am in the middle of editing the sessions of two great seniors from this past week and I am so excited to share some of my favorites!!!!!

Paul, is a 2009 Senior....and such a great and interesting kid!!!! So incredibly outgoing and well rounded! He had a wonderfully relaxed personality, and we had a lot of fun. I found it amazing that he plans to do missionary work after graduation (as his parents did before him). He is just a wonderful person and I am delighted to have had a chance to meet him and get to know him!

Kiersten is another great senior. This girl photographs beautifully. She is sweet, more quiet and unassuming and just gorgeous!!!!! Here eyes were about the bluest I have ever seen! Once Kiersten got warmed up, it was one amazing shot after another. We laughed a lot, and had tons of fun!!!! I really do love working with the Seniors!!!! The sessions are just great!

Enjoy a sneak peek at Kiersten and Paul...and keep checking back for more seniors and other stuff ALL week!

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